DAE Admission Started for 2021-2022 Govt Swedish College Gujrat
DAE Admission Started for 2021-2022 Govt Swedish College Gujrat
Click here DAE ADMISSION SWEDISH COLLEGE GUJRAT to apply online or visit http://portal.tevta.gop.pk/admission-dae.aspx
or visit college to get prospectus and submit fee to get admission.
Requirements for Admission 2021(GSPCT,GUJRAT) 1- Passport size photograph
2- Father's CNIC
3- Applicant B form
4- College fee.
For morning shift Rs: 13500
For evening shift Rs:20000
DUE TO COVID19 Admission will be made according to TEVTA notification on "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" basis....started from Monday dated 23 August 2021.
NOTE: Applicants are bound to provide passed matriculation result after the announcement of result by their respective boards.